Duffel bags used to have strings openings but now duffel bags are with zippers. New duffel bags come in a wide variety of designs making bags easier to carry.
Whereas, a suitcase is originally made for business travelers and is a safer option for safe traveling. Suitcases are used more and are considered a better option as a travel essential for small trips and long vacations.
Hence these differences between suitcase and duffel bag give you easy choice between these two. Now let’s discuss some merits and demerits of both which will make it easier and simpler for you. Choose one for your weekend getaway according to your need.
06 Things You Should Know About Suitcase & Duffel Bag
1- Duffel bags are perfect for those who travel light and are not interested in taking a lot of luggage with them. Modern-day duffel bags are more spacious and easier to carry. These bags are made of soft, smooth, and lightweight material they are easier to take along. But if one is not a light packer then duffel bags are not their type.
2- A major setback of these bags is that they are not secure as suitcases are. The duffel bags are not easy when it comes to organizing and are not secure by locks. The items packed in duffel bags can be mixed and can make it harder to find one thing when you are running short of time.
3- Duffel bags become dirtier than those suitcases. Soft duffel bags lose their shape too. The most famous and frequently used type for luggage and traveling purposes is the suitcase which is preferred more due to the rolling feature.
4- The rolling makes it easier to take them and move them anywhere by mere holding. The rolling wheels make it easier to carry a lot of heavy weight which is not possible in those smooth duffel bags.
5- The suitcases are made of strong, rough, and tough material giving them a hardcore exterior surface for better protection of brittle substances. Suitcases come in a variety of shapes and are not as flexible as duffel bags and are somewhat waterproof and restrictive.
6- The suitcases are expandable too (another cool feature that the duffel bag lacks). While the duffels can fit anywhere and it is not the same with suitcases and they cover a small area. When it comes to reliability then suitcases are the first choice and are long-lasting and can bear more tension.